六月二日中午十一点到下午四点,威斯汀酒店花园,Women of Wuhan年度义卖会,免费入场
不要瞎理解,不是卖外国女人,是在武汉生活的外国女人组织的义卖,内容如下: Face-painting, Hair braiding, Chinese calligraphy and painting demonstrations and free lessons, Framed photos of Wuhan & China, Handcrafted vegan soap, WOW (Women of Wuhan) ladies handicraft (shoe bags, pin cushion bracelets, draft stoppers, gift bows + more), Second-hand books, Japanese chip cookers, Gourmet Staples's goodies, NZ lolly cake, Basil seedling plants, Jin Jiang Hot dogs, Westin Popcorn & Candy floss, AGS Fourwinds Moving Services, Dragonair....and more to be announced!
所有义卖收入将捐给湖北艾滋病毒感染儿童慈善组织(Hubei Children Affected by Aids/HIV Charity,不知道这名字怎么翻译,whatever)