【工作室作品】你 老 了 。。。

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你說, 你就要老了 .

我回答, 不會的, 在我們沒有見面以前, 你不會老的,

如果我們永遠見不到, 你就永遠都不會老的 ......

愛情是我們的發條. 它沒轉動, 我們的音樂盒 就永遠不會轉動 .

If only I can love you...

Id make you the light of my life....

Id see the world through your eyes...

Id feel my way with your touch...

Id give up everything just to sense you beside me....

Whenever you need someone beside you...

Id be there....

I want to hold you till I die...

I want to hold till my fears clear away...

If only I can love you....

























Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth

Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt

Still a little hard to say what's going on

Still a little bit of your ghost your witness

Still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed

You step a little closer each day

Still I can't say what's going on

Stones taught me to fly

Love taught me to lie

Life taught me to die

So it's not hard to fall

Still a little bit of your words I long to hear

You step a little closer to me

So close that I can't see what's going on

But it's time to face the truth,

I will never be with you.

I am a princess

The princess of the sky

I rule the clouds with wisdom

I only interfere in case of a traffic jam

I am a cloud

A fluffy rain cloud

I search for dry land and dry mouths

To shower them with sweet water

I am a Beautiful girl

The most beautiful girl on earth

I always will strive for world peace

But I will be satisfied with a new car

I am a dreamer

Endlessly day dreaming

With the smallest swing of my wand

I will get lost in the worlds I create






























Love at first Sight .

























I'm tough, I'm high

With my head up, in the sky

Standing still in the cold, in the heat

Standing tall, high above the wheat

I have a small secret that no one knows

As time goes by, I can feel how it grows

I would like to be wheat, in the back of my mind

Be allowed to lean and bend, to run and hide

They look up to me, the one standing still

They give me respect, being the king of the hill

But if only for a couple of hours, not even a day

I could be one of them; I'll disappear and go on my way



















































































【Severus Snape】




I have been there for all of your life.

but now this is good-bye.... ....



















即使我有了我的石头 我也可以再去海边


Stars in the sky

like sparkles in your eyes,

birds in the trees,

like the song in your voice,

the kiss from your lips,

like a touch from a angel...

i can describe you in many ways

and i shall live with you through the days

and the light of our love

will never fade away.

For, I believe.... ....

本帖Z后由 美丽地平线 于 2010-7-9 13:49 编辑 ]


江城热点及时推送 阅读体验更流畅



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美丽地平线 硕士二年级

恩恩~ 嘿嘿

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美丽地平线 硕士二年级


美丽地平线 硕士二年级


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美丽地平线 硕士二年级

明天 明天~哈哈

美丽地平线 硕士二年级

恩恩~ 吐司网啥风格都有

美丽地平线 硕士二年级

嘿嘿 O(∩_∩)O谢谢

美丽地平线 硕士二年级

吐司网做的啦 不是工作室的后期风格

美丽地平线 硕士二年级

是啊 是啊 我喜欢的类型

美丽地平线 硕士二年级

恩恩,其实原片也好 哈哈 以前的帖子上有原片 懒得贴了

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嘿嘿 捂脸~

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