本帖Z后由 音速 于 2012-4-10 15:33 编辑
本帖Z后由 音速 于 2012-4-10 15:33 编辑
关于Pole Dance的历史有很多种说法,有一种比较传统的说法是,它脱胎于12世纪一种原始部落进行生殖崇拜的舞蹈。现在比较流行的说法是:现代钢管舞起源于19世纪末美国日夜不休的建筑工地,Z初是一些建筑工人拿着建筑钢管一边跳舞一边歌唱,在繁重的工作中娱乐一把,表现了美利坚民族开朗乐观的民族性格,因此,钢管舞也被视为世界十大民间舞蹈之一。
二十世纪20年代开始,随着美国经济泡沫的破灭,Pole Dance就沦落到了色情场所,动作极具挑逗性。在当时来说,无论你是世界足球先生还是奥斯卡影帝,一旦和钢管舞娘扯上关系,立刻就上小报头条。在上个世纪80年代由加拿大的脱衣舞吧开始流传,舞娘通常衣着暴露,利用钢管,透过挑逗的眼神、火辣的舞蹈动作向观看者不断进行着性暗示,多带有色情成分,仅供成人观赏。如今,在一些情色成分比较重的歌舞厅仍能看到类似艳舞的钢管舞。舞蹈者凭借自己的柔韧和性感围绕着钢管做勾引动作。因此,在不少人的印象中,Pole Dance是欧美色情场所仅供成人欣赏的一种娱乐活动。
但是,随着社会的进步和发展,21世纪的今天,作为一种健身运动,Pole Dance的优点越来越为人们所重视。Pole Dance已经慢慢回归到它的本质,成为名人宝贝中非常流行的一种健身时尚。
穿上12厘米的高跟鞋,就像芭蕾舞者套上舞鞋一般,随着音乐开始在教练的带领下,用两手抓着钢管做动作,让自己慢慢绕着钢管走动,一边优雅地微笑,把身体重量交付到钢管上。将大V舞、女郎坐姿、火红太阳、埃及回旋等专家级舞步组合起来,还有只用一条腿高高倒挂在钢管上,手臂自由挥舞在一片观众赞叹的“哇”声中。Pole Dance的自由性可以令你创作出属于自己的舞蹈。每天花两小时在舞杆旁边,经过6周之后许多女孩说她们获得了新的自信。
I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin what you say
but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin new
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid that...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...
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