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郁闷的看了下手机微信,看到微信有个交易提醒,竟然是有商户信息的,叫NORDSTROM DIRECT.. (哈哈,开通微信交易提醒还是很有用啊有木有。。:8-))



忽然看到别人的帖子里有人说可以用网站上Live chat聊天可以快一些解决。

可是伟大的墙啊,网站打不开,无奈。网上临时找了个可免费使用1小时VPN,赶紧找到Live chat,先把情况大致说了下,接着等待回复,8分钟后,终于有客服MM(可能是MM )回复了,心急,只有1个小时的vpn啊。



We found the order. We will make sure that it's cancelled and the funds are returned to you.


但还是有点担心,于是问能不能把Order number给我,这样如果银行没有回复,可以把订单号告诉后面客服来继续跟踪,可惜对方不愿意(也许是考虑隐私)。。




其次,想办法商户联系,把信用卡号,你的姓名,交易时间(Z好换算成当地时间,比如美国就换成GMT -8太平洋时间)告诉网站的客服,让客服取消订单(一般国外支付多是预支付,信用卡交易处于pending状态)。


Hello, my credit card information should be stolen or hacked by someone, and the thief made an order on your website, could you help me to cancel the order? my credit card number is xxxx xxxx(原谅我打码了).

The event was happen on Jan. 8th, 2016, 11:44 PM (GMT+8 Beijing time). It should equal Jan. 8th 2016, 7:44 AM (GMT-8 Pacific Time).

The money is 136.74 US dollars totally.



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Danary 硕士一年级



Chat Transcript

Thank you for your question! You wil l be with you shortly.

Helen Y: Hello

N: hello (咳咳,开场客套下)

Helen Y: I'm so sorry that happened, let me try to find the order. One moment!N: ok, thank you a lot.N: if you need more information, I will support you.

Helen Y: The charge to your card, has it been posted or is it still pending

Helen Y: May I also have the date for the transaction?

Helen Y: Did you receive an e-mail confirmation?

N: sorry, I'm not sure that, I just got a SMS several hours before. It only tells me there is a bill happen, I don't know the detail.


N: the date of transaction is Jan. 8th, ####, 11:44 PM (GMT+8 Beijing time). It should equal Jan. 8th ####, 7:44 AM (GMT-8 Pacific Time).

Helen Y: I cannot see the transaction on your card yet, so it must be pending. I would contact your bank immediately and inform them that it's incorrect

Helen Y: We wouldn't be able to see the transaction till it posted to your card(告诉我看不到交易信息,拔凉拔凉的。。)

Helen Y: So you definitely would want to speak with your bank

N: oh, I have called the bank, now the card is freezed. but the bank has already sent a SMS to me said the transaction had happened.

Helen Y: Great.

Helen Y: On your account, where does it say the transaction is coming from, a store or does it say Nordstrom Direct?(问是在商店还是网店)

N: the SMS means: my XXXX credit care made a transaction $###.74 , the business is from NORDSTROM DIRECT #####CEDAR RAPIDS IA US

Helen Y: Thank you. One moment. I'll try to find the order.

N: the money of the order is ###.74 dollarN: $ ### . 74(发了几次发不出去,这里不是专门马赛克,是chat系统自动隐藏了,后来客服告诉我她们是能看到的)

Helen Y: May I have your full name please and billing address

Helen Y: I am able to see the numbers

N: ok, My full name is XX XXX,

Helen Y: Thank you

N: my billing address is in ChinaN: do you need it ?

Helen Y: I am trying to find a way to locate the order

Helen Y: We found the order(哈哈哈哈)

N: I never register on Nordstrom before, so the address of the thief should not be my address(从来没注册过的说)

Helen Y: We will make sure that it's cancelled and the funds are returned to youN: oh, great news

Helen Y: You are most welcome

N: thank you. may I know how can I trace the following event?(其实到这里还是不放心,我是想要下网站订单号,以便以后容易追踪)

Helen Y: I'm really sorry, unfortunately we aren't able to give out that information, however, we did make sure that there are no other orders placed with your card.

Helen Y: Your bank will need to issue you a different card.

Helen Y: I'm truly sorry

N: understand. can you tell me the order number? if there is no feedback from my bank, I can contact you later with the order number next time.

Helen Y: XX, unfortunately I am not able to provide you with the order(不愿意提供订单号给我)

Helen Y: I'm glad we were able to resolve this on our end as well

N: ok, understand, it's your policy about privacy.N: oh, I got a new SMS, it said that the transaction is revoked.N: from my bank

Helen Y: Great

N: so quickly, thanks for your great help, I do really appreciate about that.(事情解决了,总得感激下啊^_^)

N: have a nice day. thank you !

Helen Y: Have a lovely day

This chat has ended.

Danary 硕士一年级


Danary 硕士一年级
hongbaby58发表于 2016-01-19 20:56 招商的卡怎么总在出问题


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