本帖Z后由 石榴花开 于 2011-1-16 23:09 编辑
下面是PETA (亚洲善待动物组织)的信,邀请大家向该组织提供虐待动物行为事件的影像照片,以便该组织进行深入调查,为受苦受难的动物们主持公道讨说法。同胞们,赶快拿起你的相机行动吧。谢谢。
你愿意成为动物们的英雄吗?现在就是你实现愿望的Z佳时机!亚洲善待动物组织(PETA Asia)现诚征市民亲自拍摄纪录的动物虐待图片或视频!如果你曾将在马戏团、动物园、生鲜市场、皮草养殖场、猫狗繁殖场、条件恶劣的收容所或动物实验室里的动物遭遇纪录下来,我们诚请你允许我们观看并进行调查。
如果你手上有这样的照片和视频,请发送到 China@PETAAsiaPacific.com。假若没有,还等什么?请马上拿起你的照相机和摄录机,留意你身边迫切等待拯救的动物们。由今天起,成为动物公民记者,做一名动物英雄!
Dear friend,
Want to be a hero for animals? Now's the chance! PETA Asia is now seeking citizens who have documented cruelty to animals to share their photos and video footage with us. Have you ever documented any cruelty to animals? Photos or footage of animals suffering at circuses, zoos, meat markets, fur farms, puppy mills, substandard shelters, or laboratories are all welcomed.
We've had several recent cases in which people had documented cruelty and didn't know what to do with the information. If nothing is done with the documentation, the animals who were victims of that cruelty would have suffered in vain. Video footage and photographs can be immensely helpful in PETA's investigation of cruelty in various industries. They are also the most powerful education tools, which can bring huge changes to animals' lives.
If you already have photos and video footage at hand, please send them to China@PETAAsiaPacific.com. If you don't, why wait? Please take your camera and watch out for animals who are desperately waiting for you to speak up for them! Be their hero today!
Yours sincerely,
The PETA Asia Team