联系May Tu (, Wechat: 18007160511,QQ: 5945705)
1. 高中毕业证书原件(需翻译成英文);
3. 银行账户至少有17,800 USD(家长或者学生的即可,需附有银行流水);
4. 证明基本英语熟练程度的考试成绩,比如托福(48分以上即可),雅思(5.5分以上即可)
5. 另外,还需要护照和Visa的复印件
6. 其它可以帮助你成功申请到学校的资料
You will need to present the following documents to supportyour application:
• Original High School Diploma or Graduation Certificate (withofficial translation if not in English)
• Original High School Transcript showing classes taken andgrades received (with official translation if not in English)
• Proof of Financial Responsibility: Original Bank Lettershowing on account $17,800 USD (equivalency)in name ofSponsor or Student with account number (sample bank letterattached) • Proof of English Language Proficiency, TOEFL (48or higher), IELTS (5.5 or higher)
• Copy of your passport
• Any other documents you feel would support yourapplication
可能你们要质疑,要求这么低,靠谱吗?现在就来介绍这是一所什么学校: Sate University of New York at ECC是全美Z大的公立大学系统里的一部分,比加利福利亚的公立大学系统还要大,ECC将会提供两年的课程,学生可以根据需要修一到两年的课程,然后再去选择你们想去的大学。这个学校为外国学生和美国大学提供了很好的桥梁,它具有完备的课程体系,为大家提供学分,更重要的是,这些学分是可以转到你未来就读的学校哦!另外,它还提供一些英语课程帮助大家提高英语口语并且适应美国文化。
Maybe you have doubt that what is the university and is itreliable? Now, please give me a chance to introduce it to you:
The college has three campuses, located in Buffalo (citycampus), Williamsville (north campus), and Orchard Park(south campus). ECC offers more than 90 associate degree andcertificate programs, non-credit courses and trainingprograms.
本帖Z后由 minigirl 于 2016-3-15 14:57 编辑