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"Let the world know China and Let China know the world." I can’t remember exactly where I have seen this slogan in Beijing and what the context has been. Given the simple fact of the ardor people have for learning foreign languages and the number of people going abroad each year, everyone can tell how hard China and Chinese people are trying to know the world considering. But I didn’t know how equally important and urgent it is for the world to know China until I came to the States.

First let me give you an idea of how little China is known to the Americans with some of the questions I was asked by the GRADUATE students at the department of communication at Purdue University.

"Where is Beijing? Is it a coastal city?"

"Why do you carry on the one-child family policy? Don’t you know it is a crime?"

"(I hope you don’t mind my asking this question, Tan) Do Chinese people still live in poverty and oppression? "

"Is it true that anybody who practices religion will be prosecuted in China?"

The list of surprises I was given by my fellow American graduate students can go on and on,but let me turn to give you some examples of the surprise we gave to them.

In the self-introduction during our first class in a Ph.D course, when I told them I wanted to finish the degree as soon as I could and then go back to China, The American students looked at me in both surprise and disbelief. Their assumption is that everybody including the Chinese of course, who comes to the States will stay here to seek a better life and that this is the only place where one can find a better life.

When I asked my officemate for advice about buying a new car, she stared at me, asking me incredibly: "A new car?" Later I found out that her surprise was due to the popular image of Chinese students: either too poor or too economical.

When an American TA asked me what I told my undergraduate students about my feeling of September11 Attack, I repeated my answer:"I’m very sad and angry. I’m sad because I know what it feels like to lose somebody you love, I have just lost my father-in-law; I’m angry because I know what it feels like when your motherland is attacked. Our Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed in 1999 by the NATO, that was an attack no different from one against my motherland. " She shook her head in shock and disbelief. I knew what she was thinking: how dare you, a Chinese TA voice such strong opinion especially one which might incur antagonism among your American students? She is just like other Americans who are so used to Chinese student’s being silent or reserved.

When we Chinese students for the first time joined the monthly performance hour of the department and sang some traditional songs and preceded each song with a brief humorous introduction, all the faculty and students present were astonished. To them, Chinese students are so serious, shy or even withdrawing. These traits have been partly responsible for the consequence that Chinese students are sometimes invisible.

I’m aware that I can’t simply use these examples from my own experience to argue for the ignorance of China among the Americans and their bias against Chinese people. But if you consider that the fact that they are either Ph.D or MA students of communication, how more optimistic can you be about the general Americans’ understanding China and their image of Chinese people?

So "let the world know China" should no longer remain an empty slogan. It is something we all should do, home and abroad, and something we should do with confidence and openness.

"让中国了解世界,让世界了解中国。" 我已记不清在北京的什么地方见过这个标语,也记不清它的背景。仅从中国人学校外语的热情以及每年出国的人数,谁都知道中国中国人是如何努力地想了解世界。但直到来到美国,我才知道让世界了解中国同样是多么重要及紧迫。















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