LZ 你要找的还是高层人员哈
刚才也打电话我了 请问楼主是去面试了么 么样个情况呢?
Assets management ? 貌视是行政职务 就是管IT资产录等复杂琐碎的工作啦。。
楼主是51JOB上看到的吧。。。。这岗位我看都招了大半年了 还没找到合适的啊 ,
如果楼主是应届毕业生 建议去参加下HP的招聘会
武汉 武汉理工大学 2010/11/16 19:00-21:00 东风汽车招聘厅
中南财经政法大学 2010/11/17 19:00-21:00 南湖校区文潭楼1楼招聘厅
此外 这工作其实对E文的口语能力要求不高。。。关键是要能看得懂 那些IT设备的英文名称的含义。。因为你的工作环境基本80%是E文的 。。当然可以说国语。。你身边的同事多数都是中国人 不懂就多问前辈吧。
1. Gather and validate IT asset data attributes to enable modification and/or registration of IT assets.
2. Identify IT asset discrepancies and resolve discrepancies relating to items received Determine shipping discrepancies.
3. Make determination which IT asset registration actions are required and if Asset tagging is needed.
4. Resolve discrepancies relating to items received.
5. Conduct research on Assets to perform verification and provide reports from asset repositories.
6. Create and/or modify IT asset data attributes in appropriate repositories.
7. Validate requests for modifications of IT asset data attributes which has been discovered in production environment.
8. Support the management of IT asset tracking by modifying data in the asset repository and / or registration of IT assets.
1. At least one years working experience.
2. Excellent written and spoken English required.
3. Skill in use of Excel sheet
4. Knowledge in Microsoft Access, outlook.
5. Experience in the field of I.T. and specifically the ongoing operational management of assets would be a plus.
6. Willingness to proactively accept responsibility, drive change and make decisions as required.
7. Experience working effectively as part of a geographically-disbursed team
8. Experience implementing process change in a matrixed organization where process change extends outside of direct organizational structures
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